
Monday, March 2, 2020

100 words

One night an old man and a young boy were walking in the forest hunting for a deer. They found the deer it ran away so they chased it. It got away. The man and the boy found a shelter to sleep in. In the shelter they made a fire to keep them warm and to cook their canned the morning they saw an animal run past them but it was so fast they didn't see what the animal was. They gave up and went home and got fish and chips instead. They were very very very yummy. 


  1. Kia ora Riley,

    Thank you for sharing your 100 word challenge. I really enjoyed the twist at the end. I think fish n chips for dinner was a good idea, especially as they didn't catch anything.

    Do you enjoy writing the 100 word challenge? I think I would have to think really hard about how to get my story across with only 100 words.

    Keep up the great writing mahi,

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I do enjoy writing

  2. Hi Riley, That's amazing😯! How long did it take you write it? (It must have taken a long time😕)


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