
Wednesday, August 26, 2020



One day I was going to class as normal chatting to my friends and I saw  everyone bunched up in a corner it smelt like fresh air and it felt weird I asked what was going on they pointed over at the back of the classroom there were plants everywhere I screamed and ran home.The next day I came back to school the plants had  spread ed more this time. I asked if I Could cut them down. They said yes one hour later I cut down every plant in the classroom down. The next day I came to school and there were more plants than I have ever seen so I put weed killer on them  today. The next day it was all gone. 2 months later it all came back we called the weed killers they came straight away 1 hour later they put 100 litres on each plant 1 more hour later they all died.The next day they came back this time I left them alone and they grew smaller And smaller from that day on I took care of plants always.

The end!

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