
Thursday, April 1, 2021

Our camp trip

 We went to Waipara camp and I went on a giant water slide. It was so fun but at the bottom of the water slide was a pond. On the way down the water splashed me in my eyes so I couldn't see it was a hot day and the water was so nice and cold the water slide was also black so the slide was hot because black a tracks sunlight. In our cabins I had Malachi Rocky Cole and me Riley.For breakfast we had rice bubbles and toast I had about 3-4 pieces of toast. It was yum like having ice cream for breakfast.We had a great time. I hope we have a good time next time.  

1 comment:

  1. kia ora Rily it is Rocky. I like the explaining that you did for the water slide. I like the water slide to especially when i flu across the pond at the end and landed on my tummy it made a bi splash. maybe next time you could explain what we had for dinner.


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